AYM Events
We run a number of events throughout the year. Please see the Dates for your diary for a summary.
Exec Meetings
The AYM Executive meets quarterly to discuss the progress of the organisation against its strategic plan and to identify issues raised from the regions in order to improve youth justice policy and practice nationally.
If there is anything you would like us to discuss in a future executive meeting, please contact your regional representative. Board members and AYM staff
AYM conferences are open to AYM members, YOT staff and other stakeholder agencies. Each year we invite key speakers to talk about topical issues, present new research findings or policy changes or showcase positive working being done in youth justice. Please see Dates for your Diary for more information.
Regional Events
The AYM runs regional events, to provide YOTs with up to date information on a variety of issues. The events may include presentations from speakers, workshops designed to help YOTs prepare for inspections, and any anticipated legislative, policy or practice changes being implemented nationally or regionally.