Youth Justice Sector Improvement Partnership (YJSIP)

The Youth Justice Sector Improvement Partnership (YJSIP) is a tripartite partnership between the Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB), the Association of YOT Managers (AYM) and senior youth justice leaders. The Partnership provides improvement support for the sector, by the sector and always with the sector.

The aim of the YJSIP programme is to:

  • Actively promote working relationships across the sector and youth justice partnerships
  • Assist in the development of sector improvement across England and Wales
  • Clear accountability through the YJSIP Programme Board and oversight via the AYM Executive Board
  • Transparency of activity
  • Co-operation, co-ordination and the effective exchange of information

In order to ensure that YJSIP is a true collaborative partnership between the tripartite, there is a programme board that sits on a quarterly basis.

YJSIP support is a universal support offer open to all youth offending teams (YOTs) in England and Wales. Sector improvement support is by invite and is not imposed, often seen as a critical friend approach from fellow youth justice sector colleagues who know the business.
YJSIP has developed a menu of support to best match need and includes: